Monday, April 22, 2019

Technology - My Top Five Apps for my iPhone. (and why I use them)

Technology - My Top Five Apps for my iPhone. (and why I use them)

There are a lot of apps that I use on my iPhone and my iPad. Everyone knows the basic ones that everyone uses for wasting time and hiding their face from their family members when they are the dinner table.  Some of those apps are Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and many games or other social media apps.  For the rest of this post, I am going to talk about some of the other apps I use and why I think that they are must-have apps for an adult. On a side note, most of these apps are free for the basic plans, and that is the plan that I primarily use.  I will let you know if I use a paid version of the app that I am talking about.

My TOP 5 Business Apps that I use on my iPhone.  These are the apps that I use to get things done in my business and make my life easier.  Please let me know if you have used any of these and I would like to hear about any other apps that you use.  

1. The first app that I want to talk about it is the Podcast app that comes on my iPhone.  There are many podcast players that you can use with different bells and whistles. I listen to podcasts to get new information about the subjects and topics that I like. I believe that you should always try to learn new things and I believe one of the best ways to do that is to consume content that is being created by experts in that field.  

2. The second app, in my opinion, is in the same category as the podcast apps.  That app is the YouTube App. YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine on the planet.  It is owned by the largest search engine on the planet (GOOGLE).  It is a lot easier to watch a video about changing a flat tire than it is to read a blog post about changing that same tire.

The next couple of apps are a few that use with my business.  Every business most great methods of communication.  An email was the way that business would have their employees to communicate with each other.  Today there are new tools that replaced the need for inter-office communication through email.  The best app for this called SLACK.  Slack is an app that allows teams to communicate with each other in what is similar to old school ChatRooms from the early days of the AOL era of the internet. With Slack, you communicate about projects and tasks.  You can share files, pictures, and anything else that you would need for your projects. Slack works on both your computer, phone, tablet, or other mobile devices so you can always be connected and able to get things done.

4. The fourth app that I would like to talk about has been a game changer for completing contracts and important paperwork for my business.  This app is called Adobe Scan. This is a portable scanner app that is phenomenal.  With this app, you will never have to use the scanner that is a part of the 4in1 printer.  All you have to do is open the app and hold it over the paper that you want to scan.  The app auto finds the corners of the paper and then take the scan.  It will be ready to take the next scan as soon as it took the last one.  This way you can scan multiple page document without having to press any buttons.  Once you are done scanning you can save it to one of your cloud base storage areas, or email it straight to someone.  This is a great app!!!

5. Adobe Spark Post is the app that I like to use when I am creating social media post for my businesses Instagram and Facebook pages.  This app allow you to create images that can be used on all of your social media outlets. With Adobe Spark Post you are able to add text and graphics to pictures to make new images or videos that you can use to promote your brand. This app will allow you to create images in many different sizes so you can design according to the social media network that you will be promoting on.